
Cut from “索漠”(仮). No.057

What does it mean to take pictures without thinking anything while walking around and talking with people? Many take pictures themselves each other, and enjoy looking at these. Photography for most of people have only such functions, and I think it’s enough of photography to be.
So I walk around edges of towns or villages where such people aren’t; alone.
None’s talking, can’t hear anything but sounds or noises of nature; What is “Nature”?
In front of me, there was many artificialities among trees, grasses, birds, soil, and wind.
In Japan it might be difficult to think over the nature which is against human, I mean the nature which is to be opposite of human, but they are mixed with the lives of people, or we ARE mixed with the scene of nature.

Anyway I can’t escape anywhere; everywhere I have to see the traces of others.